Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Cake Circles

I was at work yesterday opening one of the many e-newsletters I receive daily and came across one relating to cake!!!  This was most exciting not just as cake had somehow infiltrated my day job but also as the subject matter was very curious indeed.  The newsletter contained a story about Bill Drummond's Cake Circle which is taking place around the Static Gallery in Liverpool from 4-6 November.

Cake Circles are a completely new concept to me but I'm liking their style.  Basically what you do is take a map of your local area and draw a circle on the map with your home as the centre point.  Then you bake a cake, anything you like, then travel to a point on the circumference of the circle taking the cake with you, knock on the door of the chosen venue and give the recipient the cake.  Then bake and repeat for as long as you like. Sounds a bit mad but spreading the love with cake can never be a bad thing.

There's more information about Bill Drummond and the Liverpool Cake Circle here.

All I can think is those living in Bill's circumference of the Static Gallery in Liverpool are very lucky indeed.